Casino Shop

22 Av. du Président J F Kennedy, 64200 Biarritz, France


Boulangerie Casino Shop

la Boulangerie Casino Shop vous accueille au 22 Av. du Président J F Kennedy, 64200 Biarritz, France. Découvrez un service de qualité et une expertise inégalée.

Toute l'équipe de Casino Shop est ravie de vous accueillir pour vous offrir une expérience exceptionnelle. Profitez de notre savoir-faire et de nos services professionnels.

Nos horaires d'ouverture sont les suivants:

Lundi 08h00 20h00
Mardi 08h00 20h00
Mercredi 08h00 20h00
Jeudi 08h00 20h00
Vendredi 08h00 20h00
Samedi 08h00 20h00
Dimanche Fermé
Découvrez d'Autres Boulangeries à biarritz


18 Reviews
Nilame M.

Nilame M.


Very friendly manager, very nice store, I recommend ++++

pierre a.

pierre a.


€5.64 per 1L bottle of pineapple juice. So. We are in Biarritz OK. But it's more expensive than in Paris itself in a night grocery store. Not too many options around at the same time, so why deprive yourself.

Lukas F.

Lukas F.


A very good little Casino! Many references despite the size. The shelves are well kept and clean. And there is stock. The employees are pleasant and helpful.

Victoria B.

Victoria B.


Disappointing, Shameful. Bad faith owner who scammed me out of €10 out of the change I gave her, I'm sure she just gave me the receipt without giving me the money back. I went back to ask for my money but she refused. I even asked her to redo her crate but she didn't want to know. Really very disappointed and being from the neighborhood I go there quite often.

David G.

David G.


Very unpleasant and surly owners. I almost had to thank them for being able to spend money in their store. They try to give you life lessons without meaning to them. To avoid. There are better places nearby and you won't leave angry.

Casino Shop

22 Av. du Président J F Kennedy, 64200 Biarritz, France

Ce numéro valable 5 min n'est pas le numéro du destinataire mais le numéro d'un service permettant la mise en relation avec celui-ci. Pourquoi ce numéro ?

Heures d'ouverture

Lundi 08h00 20h00
Mardi 08h00 20h00
Mercredi 08h00 20h00
Jeudi 08h00 20h00
Vendredi 08h00 20h00
Samedi 08h00 20h00
Dimanche Fermé

site: Casino Shop